I was wondering: are the files you're posting leaked only here?
Or are they also submitted to some more search-friendly repositories like http://faithleaks.org and/or http://www.watchtowerwayback.org?
1-samuel herd-message to accounts servants.
2-roles and responsibilities.
3-resolutions4-collecting contributions5-contribution boxes and their uses6-balance of congregation funds7-recording bank activity8-recording the s24 to the accounts sheet9-setting up and maintaining a bank account10-balance of congregation funds11-setting up a cash box and a cash box holder12-setting up a cash agreement13-making payments with a bank account14-how to add a user to a congregation domain15-ldc update-201916-walk on your way in safety-local needshttps://we.tl/t-wuega8kvbn .
I was wondering: are the files you're posting leaked only here?
Or are they also submitted to some more search-friendly repositories like http://faithleaks.org and/or http://www.watchtowerwayback.org?
hi, .
i would like to delete all my post on this forum, particularly topics i have started.
how do i do that?.
this has come up recently with two family members who are jws.
if they are talking about this you can bet that others are too.
they seem to be all excited that a lot of attention in the news right now is about climate change, greta, extinction rebellion etc... as you can image they are very smug saying see.
It's very interesting that neither Jesus nor Paul mentioned man-made eco-disasters in their lengthy discussions of the times of the end.
Seems like they weren't aware anything like that could happen. They only mentioned things they had already seen in their own lives.
Almost as if they didn't have any divine insights.
Luckily the Bible contains plenty of oddly worded verses that can be beat to say anything you want.
And thus we can boldly proclaim the Bible already foretold the current environmental predicament, even though it really is completely silent on the topic.
matt 28: 19 is the year text.
new understanding on joel ch 2 who are the locusts?.
there is a new building addition to warwick in the works.
No, I never heard of Moutainbrook. Please tell me more?
Normally investors are in a project for the profit.....hmmm....
matt 28: 19 is the year text.
new understanding on joel ch 2 who are the locusts?.
there is a new building addition to warwick in the works.
I wonder what corporate entity owns that new building they're building.
Would it be the same as the one that owns the other buildings? Or is this a backup plan in case all other buildings have to be sold to cover csa payments?
Just wild speculation of course....but not entirely beyond what lawyers would be able to come up with..
matt 28: 19 is the year text.
new understanding on joel ch 2 who are the locusts?.
there is a new building addition to warwick in the works.
Yes, it's a printed study edition of the NWT (Matthew - Acts)
More photos here
I see they even dumbed down the Bible. They added pictures to make it a graphic novel....
well she went off to the big convention this morning.
as she left i ventured a bare tiny 'dont give them money' 'they have millions.
' she spun back, (we are on pensions.).
and you should see what they spend on relief' was her hissed reply.
Just this week I saw a JW claim that Watchtower spends about 40 million USD per year on disaster relief. He tried to make JW look positive by doing so. I asked him to provide a source for his claim but so far no answer.
Assuming he's right, Watchtower spends almost nothing of the money they take in on disaster relief.
They spend more on paying of victims of abuse than they do on disaster relief.
They take in billions each year worldwide. And they spend 40M on disaster relief?
I'd ask your wife just how much do they spend on relief works? She appears to know....
in one country they're david and sophie.
in another they're petra and olena.
i just chanced across this recently.
David and Sofie is what they're called in the Netherlands.
'Caleb' and 'Sofia' are very, very rare names around here.
To compare: Only about 200 people in the Netherlands are called Caleb or Kaleb as either their first or second name.
David is around 30.000 (alternative spellings like Dávid, Davíd etc. not even included) people.
If they would have gone with Caleb even Dutch JW would roll their eyes over the cultiness. But with 'David' it's still a Biblical name, but much more common.
i am mapping out part 3 of my critiques on the watchtower's (jws) brochure, "the origin of life".
i drafted a sketch to help me visualise the task and thus develop the structure and reasoning.
the sketch is available at:.
Half banana is right in that the complexity of DNA is not the starting point.
Hell, not even belief in God or the Bible is the starting point. Christians all believe in God and the Bible, yet the majority of denominations officially accept that evolution is a fact.
There is something else that is the 'starting point': Watchtower doctrine.
Watchtower insists that many of the tales in the Bible must be literally true, accurate accounts of real historic events. This includes the creation of Adam and Eve, and Noah's rainy days. Why? They claim because that's what the Bible says, but in reality it's because that's just Watchtower's very literal interpretation. There are plenty people who read these tales and see them and allegories or warnings in symbolic language.
Evolution must be rejected because it doesn't fit Watchtower doctrine.
Otherwise they would have no problem accepting it.
At first they claimed all life was created max 49.000 years ago (7 creation days of 7000 years each). That idea is clearly contradicted by all available evidence, and since the age of plants and animals is not critical to Watchtower doctrine they had no issue changing their doctrine on that point (although they did so very slowly and obscured to not scare away the oldtimers)
It wouldn't even surprise me that if Watchtower exists another 100 years, there'll be new lite and they manage to weave the fact of evolution into their doctrine too.
It should be noted that JW (and other creationists) either out of ignorance or on purpose mix up evolution and abiogenesis when augmenting against it.
As if an all mighty God could not have created life and given it the capability to evolve.
Another thing is that there's a fair amount of circular reasoning involved in JW (and others) rejecting reality. Any flowchart should show the circular reasoning too.
The Bible is true because it is God's perfect word. How do we know? Because it says so in the Bible.
In fact the whole system of belief is an intricate web of interconnected assumptions that often lead back to each other.
(literal) Creationists believe what they believe because they started with 'God created the heavens and the Earth, animals after their kinds, and Adam and Eve from dust' instead of asking 'what does the evidence show about life?'
Any argument they present against evolution is not in an attempt to find evidence of what actually happened, but an attempt to justify their religious beliefs.
A flowchart should reflect that. DNA doesn't really matter, nor does any other perceived evidence against evolution.
The starting point is belief in God and a literal interpretation of the Bible, without giving any place to physical evidence.
caleb = tree.
strap = discipline .
What a fucking bad stinking ass video (yes I had wine :-)
It looks like this video is more intended for parents (go ahead, punish your children often, they'll love you more!) than for children.
Children are not trees that need to be fixed into a form.
Children are people. They are individuals. They are living, breathing, thinking humans.
They must be set free to roam and discover. They must discover the world and themselves. They must discover how to properly and politely disagree and argue. They must discover their own will and voice. They must discover how to evaluate whether to obey or not.
Sure, they need a lot of guidance, but most of that is found in the parents' example, natural consequences, and kind explanation.
And when did anyone ever learn anything from sitting in their room except to be obedient without question and keep their mouth shut?
Oh wait....that's exactly how Watchtower likes their fresh meat...